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World Day Against Child Labour: Commitment from our partners in Indonesia
The Partnership for Action Against Child Labour in Agriculture (PAACLA) Indonesia and our implementing partner, JARAK, collaborated with various parties to organize the World Day Against Child Labour commemoration at the national and local levels on June 12, 2024.
Unifying multi-sectoral efforts against Child Labour in Zimbabwe
Read the Outcome Document from the Child Labour Indaba, which highlights the background, the root causes of child labour, and the sectorial commitments from General Agriculture, Tobacco, Mining, Commercial, and Domestic work sectors.
Child Labour Indaba - A platform for inter-sectoral collaboration
The Child Labour Indaba brought together National Employment Councils (NECs), civil society, trade unions, independent constitutional institutions, international organisations, with a specific focus on generating actionable solutions to combat child labour in different economic sectors in Zimbabwe.
Corporate sustainability due diligence: EU Council and Parliament strike deal to protect environment and human rights
The due diligence directive will set obligations for large companies regarding actual and potential adverse impacts on human rights and the environment, with respect to their own operations, those of their subsidiaries, and those carried out by their business partners.
Multistakeholder collaboration to eliminate child labour in Indonesia
Partnership for Action Against Child Labour in Agriculture (PAACLA) has facilitated the development of partnerships at the local level in the form of PAACLA Forums in several regions of Indonesia.
Fighting child labour through better education and livelihoods opportunities in Malawi
Re-enrolling child labourers into formal education can be challenging. Early exclusion from school reinforces the decision to engage children in hazardous labour, rather than enrolling them in school and encouraging their regular attendance.
Improving child protection through digitalization in Mozambique
Identifying working and at-risk children: A first step towards effectively managing child labour
Systems to protect children in Tanzania
Focusing on high market value products to improve farmer’s incomes